Teaching with Coastal Environments Video
The shoreline is an energetic boundary between the land and sea. Rivers bring water and sediment to the shoreline where sediment may be temporarily stored on beaches, or transported and deposited offshore. Deposition, erosion, and transportation are all active processes of the many dynamic systems in these coastal zones. Video from this environment demonstrates the energy and dynamic activity in ways that images cannot.
Check out the videos in the Shorelines and Deltas gallery for additional video examples.
Below we present videos and a ready-to-go video tutorial student handout for transforming a passive viewing experience into an active learning one.
Delta evolution recorded by Landsat satellites
NASA's Earth Observatory program has imaged a portion of coastal Louisiana USA. Striking changes are visible in the growth of deltas in Atchafalaya Bay. This video may be used by teachers and students in coastal geology, sedimentary environments and deposits, and climate and sea level change, among others.
Click to download the video tutorial shown below
Back to the Shoreline and Deltas Gallery
Applying Bloom's Taxonomy to Teaching with Video
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