Teaching with Planetary Science Video
The fleet of satellites, and the International Space Station, that encircle the earth give us views to startle the eyes and brain. And the spacecraft sent hurtling throughout the solar system put us within binocular view of other planets and their moons, asteroids, and comets.
Check out the videos in the Planetary Science gallery for video examples. Below we present videos and student handouts for transforming a passive viewing experience into an active learning one.
These video tutorials guide student observation, discussion, analysis, and written responses. Great for a critical thinking break, some bonus points, and extending the course topic.
Video #1. The Earth at Night
In daylight our big blue marble is all land, oceans and clouds. But the night - is electric. This view of Earth at night is a cloud-free view from space as acquired by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Satellite (Suomi NPP).
Click to download video tutorial shown below.
Back to Solar System video gallery
Applying Bloom's Taxonomy to Teaching with Video
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